

For a full reference of the Project API, please see the Python API.

A signac project is a conceptual entity consisting of three components:

  1. a data space,

  2. scripts and routines that operate on that space, and

  3. the project’s documentation.

This division corresponds largely to the definition of a computational project outlined by Wilson et al. The primary function of signac is to provide a single interface between component (2), the scripts encapsulating the project logic, and component (1), the underlying data generated and manipulated by these operations. By maintaining a clearly defined data space that can be easily indexed, signac can provide a consistent, homogeneous data access mechanism. In the process, signac’s maintenance of the data space also effectively functions as an implicit part of component (3), the project’s documentation.

Project Initialization

In order to use signac to manage a project’s data, the project must be initialized as a signac project. After a project has been initialized in signac, all shell and Python scripts executed within the project path or its subdirectories have access to signac’s central facility, the signac project interface. The project interface provides simple and consistent access to the project’s underlying data space. [1]

To initialize a project, execute $ signac init on the command line inside the desired project directory (create a new project directory if needed). For example, to initialize a signac project in a directory called my_project, execute:

$ mkdir my_project
$ cd my_project
$ signac init

You can alternatively initialize your project within Python with the init_project() function:

>>> project = signac.init_project()

This will create a .signac directory with a configuration file. The directory containing the .signac subdirectory is the project’s root directory.

The Data Space

The project data space is stored in the workspace directory, a subdirectory within the project path named workspace. Once a project has been initialized, any data inserted into the data space will be stored within this directory. You can access your signac Project and the associated data from within the project path or any subdirectory with the get_project() function:

>>> import signac
>>> project = signac.get_project()
>>> print(project)


The central assumption of the signac data model is that the data space is divisible into individual data points consisting of data and metadata that are uniquely addressable in some manner. Specifically, the workspace is divided into subdirectories where each directory corresponds to exactly one Job. All data associated with a job is contained in the corresponding job directory. A job can consist of any type of data, ranging from a single value to multiple terabytes of simulation data; signac’s only requirement is that this data can be encoded in a file. Each job is uniquely addressable via its state point, a key-value mapping describing its data. There can never be two jobs that share the same state point within the same project. All data associated with your job should be a unique function of the state point, e.g., the parameters that go into your physics or machine learning model.

For example, to store data associated with particular temperature or pressure of a simulation, you would first initialize a project and then open a job like this:

project = get_project("path/to/my_project")
job = project.open_job({"temperature": 20, "pressure": 1.0})
with open(job.fn("results.txt")) as file:


You only need to call the Job.init() function the first time that you are accessing a job. Furthermore, the Job.init() function returns the job itself, so you can abbreviate like this:

job = project.open_job({"temperature": 20, "pressure": 1.0}).init()

The uniqueness of a state point in a signac data space is analogous to the uniqueness of a primary key in a relational database. Any other kind of data and metadata that describe a job but are not part of the key should be stored within the Job.doc, which has the exact same interface like the Job.sp.


The Job interface and the various methods of storing data are described in detail in the Jobs section.

In addition to obtaining a job handle via the project open_job() function, you can also access it directly with the signac.get_job() function. For example, you can get a handle on a job by switching into the workspace directory and then calling signac.get_job():

>>> import signac
>>> job = signac.get_job()
>>> print(job)

Finding jobs

In general, you can iterate over all initialized jobs using the following idiom:

for job in project:

This notation is shorthand for the following snippet of code using the Project.find_jobs() method:

for job in project.find_jobs():

However, the find_jobs() interface is much more powerful in that it allows filtering for subsets of jobs. For example, to iterate over all jobs that have a state point parameter b=0, execute:

for job in project.find_jobs({"b": 0}):

For more information on how to search for specific jobs in Python and on the command line, please see the Query API chapter.


Grouping operations can be performed on the complete project data space or the results of search queries, enabling aggregated analysis of multiple jobs and state points.

The return value of the find_jobs() method is a cursor that we can use to iterate over all jobs (or all jobs matching an optional filter if one is specified). This cursor is an instance of JobsCursor and allows us to group these jobs by state point parameters, the job document values, or even arbitrary functions.


The groupby() method is very similar to Python’s built-in itertools.groupby() function.

Basic Grouping by Key

Grouping can be quickly performed using a statepoint or job document key.

If a were a state point parameter, we can enumerate the groups corresponding to each value of a like this:

for a, group in project.groupby("a"):
    print(a, list(group))

Similarly, we can group by values in the job document as well. Here, we group all jobs in the project by a job document key b:

for b, group in project.groupbydoc("b"):
    print(b, list(group))

Grouping by Multiple Keys

To group by multiple state point parameters or job document values, pass an iterable of fields that should be used for grouping. For example, we can group jobs by state point parameters c and d:

for (c, d), group in project.groupby(("c", "d")):
    print(c, d, list(group))

Searching and Grouping

We can group a data subspace by combining a search with a group-by function. As an example, we can first select all jobs, where the state point key e is equal to 1 and then group them by the state point parameter f:

for f, group in project.find_jobs({"e": 1}).groupby("f"):
    print(f, list(group))

Custom Grouping Functions

We can group jobs by essentially arbitrary functions. For this, we define a function that expects one argument and then pass it into the groupby() method. Here is an example using an anonymous lambda function as the grouping function:

for (d, count), group in project.groupby(
    lambda job: (job.sp["d"], job.document["count"])
    print(d, count, list(group))

Moving, Copying and Removal

In some cases it may desirable to divide or merge a project data space. To move a job to a different project, use the move() method:

other_project = get_project(root="/path/to/other_project")

for job in jobs_to_move:

Copy a job from a different project with the clone() method:

project = get_project()

for job in jobs_to_copy:

Trying to move or copy a job to a project which has already an initialized job with the same state point will trigger a DestinationExistsError.


While moving is a cheap renaming operation, copying may be much more expensive since all of the job’s data will be copied from one workspace into the other.

To clear all data associated with a specific job, call the clear() method. Note that this function will do nothing if the job is uninitialized; the reset() method will also clear all data associated with a job, but it will also automatically initialize the job if it was not originally initialized. To permanently delete a job and its contents use the remove() method:

job = project.open_job(statepoint)
assert job not in project

Centralized Project Data

To support the centralization of project-level data, signac offers simple facilities for placing data at the project level instead of associating it with a specific job. For one, signac provides a project document and project data analogous to the job document and job data. The project document is stored in JSON format in the project root directory and can be used to store similar types of data to the job document.

>>> project = signac.get_project()
>>> project.doc["hello"] = "world"
>>> print(project.doc().get("hello"))
>>> print(project.doc.hello)

The project data is stored in HDF5 format in a file named signac_data.h5 in the project root directory. Although it can be used to store similar types of data as the job document, it is meant for storage of large, array-like or dictionary-like information.

>>> project = signac.get_project()
>>>["x"] = np.ones([10, 3, 4])

Data may be accessed as an attribute, key, or through a functional interface:

To access data as an attribute:

>>> with
...     x =[:]

To access data as a key:

>>> with
...     x =["x"][:]

To access data through a functional interface:

>>> with
...     x ="x")[:]

In addition, signac also provides the signac.Project.fn() method, which is analogous to the Job.fn() method described above:

>>> print(project.root_directory())
>>> print(project.fn(""))


Be careful when accessing the project-level data concurrently from different running jobs, as the underlying HDF5 file is locked by default, even when data is only being read from. When trying to read concurrently you may get the following exception:

OSError: Unable to open file (unable to lock file, errno = 11, error message = 'Resource temporarily unavailable').

If data will only be read concurrently, the environment variable HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING can safely be set to FALSE to avoid this behavior. For concurrent writing and reading, try using one of the following approaches:

Schema Detection

While signac does not require you to specify an explicit project schema, it is always possible to deduce an implicit semi-structured schema from a project’s data space. This schema is comprised of the set of all keys present in all state points, as well as the range of values that these keys are associated with.

Assuming that we initialize our data space with two state point keys, a and b, where a is associated with some set of numbers and b contains a boolean value:

for a in range(3):
    for b in (True, False):
        project.open_job({"a": a, "b": b}).init()

Then we can use the detect_schema() method to get a basic summary of keys within the project’s data space and their respective range:

>>> print(project.detect_schema())
 'a': 'int([0, 1, 2], 3)',
 'b': 'bool([False, True], 2)',

This functionality is also available directly from the command line:

$ signac schema
 'a': 'int([0, 1, 2], 3)',
 'b': 'bool([False, True], 2)',

Importing and Exporting Data

Data archival is important to preserving the integrity, utility, and shareability of a project. To this end, signac provides interfaces for importing workspaces from and exporting workspaces to directories, zip-files, and tarballs. The exported project archives are useful for publishing data, e.g., for researchers wishing to make an original data set available alongside a publication.

Exporting a Workspace

Exporting a project could be as simple as zipping the project files and workspace paths ($ zip -r /data/my_project/). The functionality provided by signac export is a bit more fine-grained and allows the use of a custom path structure or the export of a subset of the jobs based on state point or document filters or by job id.

For example, suppose we have a project stored locally in the path /data/my_project and want to export it to a directory /data/my_project_archive. The project’s jobs are assumed to have state point keys a and b with integer values. We would first change into the root directory of the project that we want to export and then call signac export with the target path:

$ cd /data/my_project
$ signac export /data/my_project_archive

This would copy data from the source project to the export directory with the following directory structure:

# etc.

The default path function is based on the implicit schema of all exported jobs, but we can also optionally specify a specific export path, for example like this:

$ signac export /data/my_project_archive "a_{a}/b_{b}"

It is possible to directly export to a zip-file or tarball by simply providing the path to the archive-file as target (e.g. $ signac export /data/ For more details on how to use signac export, type $ signac export --help or see the documentation for the export_to() method.

Importing a Data Space

The import of data spaces into a signac workspace means to map all directories as part of an arbitrary directory structure to signac job state points. That is easiest when one imports a previously exported workspace, which will still contain all state point files.

For example, we could first export our workspace in ~/my_project to ~/data/ with

~/my_project $ signac export ~/data/

and then import the exported data into a second project:

~/my_new_project $ signac import ~/data/

Since the imported data space was previously exported with signac, all state point metadata is automatically determined from the state point manifest files.

In the case that we want to import a data space that was not previously exported with signac, we need to provide a schema-function. In the simplest case, that is just a function based on the data space paths, e.g.,

$ signac import /data/non_signac_archive "a_{a:int}/b_{b:int}"

The command above will copy all data from the the /data/non_signac_archive directory and use the paths of sub-directories to identify the associated state points. For example, the path a_0/b_1 will be interpreted as {'a': 0, 'b': 1}. The type specification – here int for both a and b – is optional and means that these values are converted to type int; the default type is str.

Importing from zip-files and tarballs works similarly, by specifying that path as the origin. For more details on how to use signac import, type $ signac import --help or see the documentation for import_from().

Linked Views

Data space organization by job id is both efficient and flexible, but the obfuscation introduced by the job id makes inspecting the workspace on the command line or via a file browser much harder. A linked view is a directory hierarchy with human-interpretable names that link to the actual job directories. Unlike the default mode for data export, no data is copied for the generation of linked views. See create_linked_view() for the Python API.

To create views from the command line, use the $ signac view command.


When the project data space is changed by adding or removing jobs, simply update the view, by executing create_linked_view() or $ signac view for the same view directory again.

You can limit the linked view to a specific data subset by providing a set of job ids to the create_linked_view() method. This works similarly for $ signac view on the command line, but here you can also specify a filter directly:

$ signac view -f a 0

will create a linked view for all jobs where a=0.


In some cases it may be necessary to store a project at more than one location, perhaps for backup purposes or for remote execution of data space operations. In this case there will be a regular need to synchronize these data spaces.

Synchronization of two projects can be accomplished by either using rsync to directly synchronize the respective workspace directories, or by using signac sync, a tool designed for more fine-grained synchronization of project data spaces. Users who are familiar with rsync will recognize that most of the core functionality and API of rsync is replicated in signac sync.

As an example, let’s assume that we have a project stored locally in the path /data/my_project and want to synchronize it with /remote/my_project. We would first change into the root directory of the project that we want to synchronize data into. Then we would call signac sync with the path of the project that we want to synchronize with:

$ cd /data/my_project
$ signac sync /remote/my_project

This would copy data from the remote project to the local project. For more details on how to use signac sync, type $ signac sync --help.

Projects can also be synchronized using the Python API:
